Jun 11 2020
Mike Stengel

A Rise in Hybrid Meetings and Events The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges to the event industry. But, with crisis, often comes innovation. As automobile manufacturers have quickly changed their business model from building cars to building ventilators, the events industry is responding with different ways to use technology to connect organizations and people. …

Two Critical Principles for Virtual Event Design

May 21 2020
Alissa Hurley, CMM, CED
Hint: It’s not about the platform Over the last two months (though it certainly feels much longer), our industry has frantically been pivoting live events to virtual event formats. For many, this meant rapidly researching a vast array of streaming providers, web conference solutions, and virtual event platforms. In the process, it’s also meant a ...

Creating Value: Partnership through the Pandemic

Apr 23 2020
Teresa Wessling
Necessity is the mother of all invention, and our current environment has introduced more challenges into our personal and professional lives than anyone could have predicted.    Be it as a planner, partner, or provider in the live events industry, how do we continue to provide value to our customers in a time when we cannot meet face to face? For ...