You can say what you want about other generations, but research shows we all have at least one thing in common: we are changing the way we learn, engage with and retain information. Learn how this translates to the event world and gain insight to engage attendees of any generation.

From baby-boomers to Gen Z, we’ve grown accustomed to the traditional presentation setup – Death by PowerPoint. You might be asking, “what is Death by PowerPoint?” In short, it’s the wrong way to use this tool. It is poorly presented content stemming from presentation pitfalls. These pitfalls take many forms: ineffective visual aids, text-heavy slides and disengaging speakers. So, what can you do to prevent these content-killers from bombarding your presentations? To answer that, we must first understand what has changed in the world of learning and engagement.

The Evolution of Personal Technology

The mainstream personal home computer has been around since the 1980’s. It’s crazy to think just how quickly things have evolved in forty years! Look at the computer you’re using right now. Can you imagine yourself getting today’s work done on one of those bulky IBM ThinkPads or a Microsoft 95 machine? And on a dial-up connection?! I shudder to even think about it.

As modern-day, smart-device users, we are spoiled with our sleek, lightweight 5G computers and their sidekick counterparts (smart-phones, iPads, tablets etc.). They are fast, handy, entertaining … and addictive. As a result, the rapid evolution of personal technology is changing the modern-day attendee as well. The way people want to learn is changing. Distractions now reside in the pockets of everyone in your audience. As presenters, how do we combat this modern roadblock? By leaning into these changes. When you embrace them, you will enrich your content and create a message that resonates with your unique audience.

Engage Attendees With A Better Presentation

Whether your next speaking engagement is in-person or the virtual arena, there are steps you can take to build a better presentation. By understanding what makes a message memorable, a speaker compelling, and visual aids powerful, you can enhance your presentation abilities.

The Education and Engagement for Modern Times Professional EDge webinar provides speakers with tools to effectively inform and inspire their audience. Pick up speaker tips that help bolster your comfort levels, hear insights on creating a clear message throughout your presentation, and learn how to enhance your story-telling skills. No matter what generation you belong to, it’s important to remember: it is never too early, nor too late, to become a better presenter.

Register for our Education and Engagement for Modern Times Professional EDge webinar on demand. Don’t forget to take a look at some of the other valuable courses as well!


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