Jul 7 2021
Ben Erwin

The meeting and events industry clearly experienced a great deal of change over the course of the last 16 months. An industry filled with incredibly talented people who were singularly forced to be nimble and adaptable can now learn from each other to accelerate our industry’s exciting (re)start with the right event solutions. For Encore, …

Creating Positive, Memorable Hybrid Experiences

Mar 5 2021
Encore Research
According to Meeting Professionals International [MPI], over half of meeting planners say their next in-person meeting is contingent on the distribution of a safe and effective vaccine. In the February 2021 edition of The Meeting Professional, MPI shares results from their winter 2021 Meetings Outlook survey. Virtual Events and Hybrid – Keeping Us Connected While ...

What are the benefits of a hybrid event?

Feb 9 2021
Encore Research
‘Hybrid’ is defined as the combination of two different elements. In the context of hybrid events, it’s; “a physical meeting in which an online audience also participates. Essentially, both the physical as well as the online audience come together and participate in the same experience or content at the same time, from different locations.” IMPACTPLUS Tweet The ...

3 Tips for a Versatile Hybrid Event Environment

Jan 31 2021
Veronica LeBourgeois
You’re planning an event and you select your venue. What’s next? In a venue, a floor plan provides limits to stay within the physical boundaries of the building itself. What happens when you introduce the digital environment of a hybrid event? How does that impact your participant experience? I’ve put together three easy-to-remember environmental cues ...

Pandemic Makes Events More Important Than Ever

Jun 11 2020
Mike Stengel
A Rise in Hybrid Meetings and Events The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges to the event industry. But, with crisis, often comes innovation. As automobile manufacturers have quickly changed their business model from building cars to building ventilators, the events industry is responding with different ways to use technology to connect organizations and people. ...