Jan 31 2021
Veronica LeBourgeois

You’re planning an event and you select your venue. What’s next? In a venue, a floor plan provides limits to stay within the physical boundaries of the building itself. What happens when you introduce the digital environment of a hybrid event? How does that impact your participant experience? I’ve put together three easy-to-remember environmental cues …

Design a Hybrid Event for Every Participant

Jan 21 2021
Christine Kiesling
In November of 2020, we surveyed 2,000 of our customers and asked various questions about hybrid events. When we asked them to give a general forecast of their 2021 events, our survey respondents shared that they plan to allocate nearly 80% of their total spend on virtual and hybrid solutions. To maximize your total spend, ...

5 Tips & Tricks for Planning your Next Virtual Awards

Dec 4 2020
Madeleine Bart
5 Tips & Tricks for Planning your Next Virtual Awards  See How Two Associations Successfully Incorporated Virtual Elements Into Their 2020 Virtual Award Programs As we get close to the end of another year – and one certainly filled with unique challenges – celebrating your team’s achievements or your memberships’ successes are more important now ...

10 Tips for Planning Impactful Hybrid Events

Nov 12 2020
Alisha Womack
A hybrid event combines a traditional “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component. Without the option of every attendee meeting face-to-face, planning hybrid events have become a necessity for every planner. With the ability to unite people remotely, audience reach surpasses levels ever imagined, breakouts become virtual roundtables with engaging tools and return on ...

Readiness to Adapt your Event Type

Oct 29 2020
Madeleine Bart
How the Canadian Leadership Congress leveraged a Presentation Stage™ to overcome the unexpected When it comes to planning events in 2020, readiness to adapt your event type has become the new norm. Government regulations, safety best-practices and COVID case counts seem to be ever-changing. To respond, organizations must be ready to carry out business activities ...

Two Critical Principles for Virtual Event Design

May 21 2020
Alissa Hurley, CMM, CED
Hint: It’s not about the platform Over the last two months (though it certainly feels much longer), our industry has frantically been pivoting live events to virtual event formats. For many, this meant rapidly researching a vast array of streaming providers, web conference solutions, and virtual event platforms. In the process, it’s also meant a ...

Creating Value: Partnership through the Pandemic

Apr 23 2020
Teresa Wessling
Necessity is the mother of all invention, and our current environment has introduced more challenges into our personal and professional lives than anyone could have predicted.    Be it as a planner, partner, or provider in the live events industry, how do we continue to provide value to our customers in a time when we cannot meet face to face? For ...