Celebration of Life -Hybrid Event

A virtual / remote memorial service was held at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach with 20 in-person attendees and over 20 virtual attendees. The hotel production crew was pleased to help by using technology to bring people together during their difficult time.


Ensure that those experiencing the memorial service remotely would still be offered a simimlar quality experience as those who were on-site. It was important that all the loved ones, whether near or far, had a chance to participate in this service to celebrate and offer closure. This celebration of life was held at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach with 20 in person attendees and over 20 virtual attendees.


We took a couple different approaches. The first an most important was to apply our MeetSAFE Guidelines for physical distancing, equipment cleaning and personal protective equipment (PPE) for our technical team. Next, we provided a hybrid solution that allows on-site participants to see and hear remote partcipant speeches. And lastly, we provided the technical support for the live video steam, presentations, and a photo slide show.


We helped ease their stress as they juggled various challenges in the planning process. Pre-event rehearsal, coaching and trouble-shooting set our customer up for success when it was time to go live and share their love.

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